TempestStarr's Journal

TempestStarr's Journal


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8 entries this month

Coming out of the Psi-Closet

09:18 Dec 24 2010
Times Read: 459

The hubby and I had a huge talk last night, we spoke about our individual thoughts about our own possible vampirism. What it meant to us, to each other, to other people. We talked about how it felt when we fed, how we fed, when, and so on. It was..... enlightening, and refreshing and exciting.

We both got quite animated and 'high' during out conversation. Hubby describes it as 'pinging' lol and that sounds quite accurate.

So we've "come out" to each other. It's very cool, it's nice to have him in this with me.





Protection Stamps

08:19 Dec 22 2010
Times Read: 475

I made myself a protection stamp.... only it's not really a protection stamp, because I can offer you about as much protection as a tea towel in a blizzard *chuckles*

So I made a "Lovingly watched over" because that's more my style.... want one? They're pretty groovy, it features my lovely Alter Ego Tempest Star (the chick in my avatar). If you want one send me a message!!






19:26 Dec 24 2010

TS, I'm interested and can't wait to see it.


Christmas... ho ho who the hell am I kidding?

10:36 Dec 21 2010
Times Read: 482

I hate Christmas... no really, I do. I think if Christmas was ONLY about having a lovely celebratory meal with your family and drinking and being merry I'd love it.

But it's not.... it's about presents. At least, that's what it's about in MY family because we are agnostic pagans. (I'm agnostic, he's pagan) I don't have the heart to say 'We aren't doing Christmas" because then my kids miss out. But it's so much money for nothing and we don't have money to waste.

We bought the kids a PSPgo each... and that is ALL they are getting from us. Santa will still come, of course, and that's more money that I have to scrounge for :(

I think it's just a bad time for us this year. Car trouble after trouble after trouble, on top of moving interstate (From Darwin to Sydney) in the new year has put enormous pressure on us financially.

I'll be glad when it's the end of January. Tarquin can go back to school and I can hopefully get Lilith into day care of some sort.

That's enough bitching from me for now lol




15:46 Dec 22 2010

Eh. Bitch away. It makes you feel better. And you're not alone in your money troubles. The only reason I celebrate Christmas is tradition. It's all material anymore. When I see those, "Put Christ back in Christmas" people harp about others saying, "Happy holidays," I cringe. Don't even get me started. ;)

19:28 Dec 24 2010

I feel the same and believe these holidays are entirely too commercial. It puts too much stress on everyone and I would love everything to go back to all things natural.


Vampire Library

09:46 Dec 17 2010
Times Read: 497

I bought myself an eReader for xmas lol

I'm filling it up with my favourite vampire and sci-fi-romance writers. YAY

I need suggestions though. So far I have The Anita Blake Vampire Hunter series, The Vampire Academy Series, The Vampire Diary Series and a myriad of books by Sherrilyn Kenyon.

So..... what are your favourite Vampire novels? I'm going to chew threw these very quickly at this rate. Need to stock up :)




10:35 Dec 17 2010

I got the Amazon Kindle when it first came out. It's my baby. :D

12:15 Dec 17 2010

What kind of reader do you have? I don't know which to get. I hear that if you get the Kindle you're limited to ordering from Amazon. I don't like the idea of being limited.

Two authors you must look into: Charlaine Harris and Kim Harrison. Charlaine Harris writes the books that the HBO True Blood series is based upon, but I think the books are better. ;) Kim Harrison writes the series I'm currently addicted to: The Hollows. It's about a witch mostly, but there are vampires too!! It's wonderful!!!

Anita Blake got too porno for me and I had to quit her. :(

Another series that is fun (but not about vampires) is the Fae books by Karen Marie Moning. Should you choose to read them, you won't be disappointed!!!

23:10 Dec 18 2010

@Cinnamon I bought a MiGEAR eReader. It's a generic model, and can read almost all the formats out there. If you get a store read (Kindle or a Nook) you are limited to only reading that stores formats, which sucks.

If you get one, I would suggest you also download calibre ebook manager. It's the BEST program I have ever seen. You can change formats of your books to fit your ereader. Im not sure which I love more, the eReader or Calibre!


22:35 Dec 21 2010

I read all of Anne Rice both vampires and witches . My most recent favorite is VR'S own Obonewits book "Of Blood and Magic" . You can find the link to the book on my profile and there is an ebook available. The second book is only a few short months from completion.

01:27 Dec 22 2010



The (re) Awakening

06:24 Dec 10 2010
Times Read: 509

Since I've re-awakened, or just finally accepted that there really is something different about me, my body has been doing very, VERY strange things.

I have gall stones, I've had them for a very very long time. Every time I've attempted any formalised weight loss they flair up and leave me crippled for days. The pain is unbearable.

So since re-awakening my gall stones have been running riot. Day after day after day of crippling pain, for seemingly no reason. I can't eat and over the past week have managed to consume 1 bowl of cornflakes, one banana and two chicken sandwiches. I've had copious amounts of coffee and water and probably far too many pain killers.

And yes, I absolutely need to get to the doctor as soon as possible. I'm hoping they will finally agree to take the damn thing (gallbladder) out for good. None of the recognised triggers were never triggers for me. I could eat as much tomato/spices/fatty food as I liked without so much as a twinge. Drink two cups of tea and I would howling in agony for hours.

My appetite has all but disappeared. I eat because I feel like I should and because I want food... but not for hunger. It's almost like I'm eating for the memory of hunger. If that makes any sense at all, probably not. I don't know if this is just because my body is associating food with pain of it because I am genuinely not hungry.

I've noticed how much I hate the sun a lot more. I've never been much of an outdoorsy person. I'd much (MUCH MUCH MUCH) rather curl up inside with a book or a movie. But lately, walking outside gives me headspins. I have always burned/tanned very easily, so that's never been a problem. I'm dying from the heat.... not necessarily the sun - just heat. I'm driving my family crazy because I'm so hot all the time and begging to have the air conditioner on. Our air con is almost constantly on. The sun and the warmth does not energise me, quite the opposite. If I spend 15 minutes in the sun I then require a 30 minute nap to recuperate.

I hate being like this. Actually i don't think I so much hate being like this, what I hate is being forced to live like this. I'm a full time parent to 2 young children and my partner has Asperger's Syndrome (he doesn't know about this either) so I have very little choice other than to operate during the day.

I wonder what my life would have been like if I'd accepted what I am way back when it was first revealed to me. I wonder if I'd be healthier, happier, with better friends and social circles. I am kind of tired, and drained with my current life style. I want to have friendships with people who are like me, who understand. My mundane friends cannot and will not ever know about this, not only would they never understand but it would end what few friendships I have.

I cannot wait to get back to Sydney, get my kids into school and explore what there is to find down there.






01:44 Dec 10 2010
Times Read: 514


I cannot believe it, but I finally found something to add to the database and it was accepted. I am lame to be excited about this, I know.

I used to have another profile on here (which I have since deleted) and I cannot tell you how many times I submitted to the database and was rejected. I was seriously disheartened. I didn't think there was anything left to add.

I really need to get a life, if this is the most exciting thing happening in mine at the moment hahah





VR Database

23:39 Dec 06 2010
Times Read: 526

I have to wonder... is there ANYTHING left that can be added to the database? It's so extensive, I'm starting to think that everything on the entire internet is covered.

I'm sure there is some obscure book out there that's not on the database but damn, it's hard to find something to submit that will actually get accepted.




00:47 Dec 09 2010

I know that it seems hard but trust me - especially in this day and age - there is always something to add...

......unless Pagan beats you to it....

*shifty eyes*

08:54 Feb 27 2011

There are a lot of things that should be added! If you want to know how the submissions are made I can help you!


Reopening closed doors

12:06 Dec 05 2010
Times Read: 528

I first fell in lust with vampires as a child, with the stories. I love the fictional vampire. As I grew, my interests in vampires changed but it was always there. Of course I went through the soul searching as a teen... wondering if I was one.

I have always been painfully logical. This causes a myriad of internal conflicts for me. I'm full of contradictions and it pains me. I'm spiritual but skeptical, I'm open minded and 'a believer', but there is always that logical aspect shaking her head at me going "Have you gone mad? You don't actually believe this do you? Where is the proof, the data, the studies?"

My favourite quote in the world is by Stuart Chase. "For those who believe, no proof is necessary. For those who do not, no proof is possible"

I resonate with both sides of that statement. I both need proof, and reject proof. It is exhausting, inside my head, sometimes.

So during my teenage curiosity when I wondered if I was a vampire that stoic, logical, mature side of me would scoff and tsk and roll her eyes. Of COURSE you're not a vampire you foolish girl, vampires are the stuff of paranormal romance novels, of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. They aren't REAL. You just want them to be real because it would make you special... and different... and no one needed to know because that was part of the power.

So I rejected the thoughts, brushed it off as teenage curiosity. I threw myself into Paganism and witchcraft. I occupied myself in the Gothic scene with passion. I loved it. I loved the ability to hide in plain sight.

As I got older, and left high school, and moved out on my own, the goth scene changed. It was no longer secure and welcoming. It became nasty, cliquey, elitist. The people who where helping me hide became the very people I wanted to hide from. I no longer felt welcome, or worthy. I was back on the outer. Alone and afraid of myself and what I was or was not. I managed to make a few mainstream friends who loved me for me weirdness. I still felt.... misplaced. I would sit outside at night and yearn for the stars to take me home. I didn't belong here, with these people in this life. I turned to alcohol. I got drunk whenever I could. It numbed the pain for a while. Soon, though, that gnawing feeling was back. I started to self mutilate. There was something there, just under the skin, right there that had to get out.... so I bled it out... or wanted too.

Over time I managed to suppress the feelings again, for a few years before an emotional trauma bought them back out. I was accused, several times, of being a Psi Vamp - it was the first time I'd ever heard this term and I took it as an insult. I was accused to stealing energy on purpose. Of course, this was not the case, but the more I read the more I wondered if this really was an accurate title. Again Ms Logic came roaring into view and slammed my curiosity back into it's rightful place - that of vampire fiction and fantasy.

So here I am again, some 8 years on after the last episode. The past 10 or so years I have stuffed myself beyond return. I ate and ate and ate until I was too sick to think of anything but sleep. I ate until I was too sick to crave anything. I didn't know what I wanted, but it wasn't really food. I love food, don't get me wrong, but it wasn't satisfying that void, that emptiness inside. I have been to countless therapists over the years, all who end up telling me there is nothing wrong with me that they can fix (other than a few pretty horrible self esteem issues that have resulted from the over-eating). I'm not depressed, I'm not paranoid or bi-polar or schizophrenic. I'm intelligent, and well read, and I have dreams and desires and plans. I'm good with people and I love my children. I don't have sorrow or doubt or fear.

I just have this door... the one that I'm afraid to open again. The one that I'm staring at. The same one that's been there since I was young. Only now, it's not just the Logic that's keeping me away. It's the fear that I've destroyed myself too much to change. That I wont be accepted here either because I'm damaged goods. I rejected this "thing" inside me, whatever it is - I still don't actually know - for so long that I don't even know if it is anything at all. Maybe there is nothing there, maybe I'm just so used to eating to fill the void, that the void doesn't even exist anymore but I cannot break the habit.

I am so alone in this, and lonely from it. I'm 30 in 6 months time. I have two young children (one of whom has special needs). I don't have the time or opportunity to indulge in fantasy. I cannot even go out at night - the only time I feel at peace - because of my responsibilities as a mother. I feel chained to a life that was not meant to be mine. The saddest part is, I forced myself into this life. I ruined myself and denied myself my true nature for so long that this has become that mask I cannot take off. It's fused in place now.

I'm too scared to open that door, so for now I will just keep it in view, and glance at it every now and then to see how I feel.



00:50 Dec 09 2010

Ah - a fellow gemini.....we are always of two minds.

*holds the door open*

Come on in........ we have cookies. :)

01:45 Dec 10 2010

Thank you Nedra for your kind welcome. Cookies make everything better. ^^

16:33 Dec 19 2010

You really spilled your guts here and I admire that. I saw a lot of what I feel, have felt, in your words. Wish I had a solution for you, but I still don't have one for me. VR helps. It used to help more. *shrugs* You just need a friend that understands. Pretty hard to come by. Me, I just hang out by myself and stuff my face to fill a void. Yeah, I totally know what you're going through!

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